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Flas Bracket


Well-Known Member
Has anyone out there tried the C645 Flash Bracket, either with or without the Waist level finder?
Any user comments on this item?
Yes, with both finders.

It is extremely well built, except for the entry point plug of the sync cable, which occasionally pops out.

It places the flash low to the side of the camera and not over the lens, and when shooting in the portrait orientation is positioned even worse.

It's an overpriced, stupid design. Mine is destined to sit on the shelf for the rest of eternity (next to my number one stupid Contax purchase: the LCD viewfinder). I wouldn't try to sell it to even my worst enemy.
Yes, I agree with Marc's review. It's beautifully built...and practically useless!

In fact it rubs salt into the wounds because Contax clearly devoted a great deal of time to designing this accessory, so where are the leaf shutter lenses they promised us five years ago? Where's an "HS" flash unit that synchs beyond 1/125? And where's a solution for vertical tripod mounting?

However, unlike Marc I have absolutely no scruples, so make me an offer and I'd be delighted to off-load my flash bracket!
Its ok, but I don't understand why contact didn't make the flash shoe with 5 pins like the top of the camera so that you could preserve TTL flash with the TLA 360. It really doesn't make any sense and I have not thought of a reason why they wouldn't do it this way other than cost.

In terms of ergonomics, the handle is very good. It gives your left hand something to do while your right hand is in the strap.

--Jeffrey Steinberg, Scarsdale,
I thought only 3 contacts meant no focal length recognition or flashead zoom ability.My RTS3 only had 3 contacts but offered TTL flash. When I use my Metz 45CT I even had rear curtain synch.I thought that with the YLA 360, TTL would be carried over.
Colin, you are correct and Jeffery is mistaken... the Contax 3 pin off camera accessories do maintain TTL... but that's all.

As I've mentioned previously, the TLA 360 and it's accessories are in need of updating. A camera as sophisticated as the N1/ND and C645 deserve a more advanced dedicated TTL flash system like that of Canon.
High speed sync, multiple flash radio slave capability, focal length/distance communication when off camera. BETTER built shoe at the bracket end to secure the TLA flash.

QUESTION: has anyone tried the Nikon off camera TTL cord
with their Contax N and TLA 360? The Nikon unit is one of the better made, more rugged ones on the market. I believe the TLA360 was a Nikon designed unit. I also know that with Leica you can use either Contax or Nikon off camera cords. Also, does Metz make a better C/Y dedicated off-camera cord with a beefy shoe at the bracket end?
Thanks for correcting me. There is some function that is not carried over with the 3 pin. I thought it was TTL. Is it lens zoom setting?

Regardless, why would they not put a 5-pin
Thanks for correcting me. There is some function that is not carried over with the 3 pin. I thought it was TTL. Is it lens zoom setting?

Regardless, why would they not put a 5-pin
C645 Owners:

Any one use or had experience with a Flash Bracket with MP-1 Battery Grip.

I know it gets pretty heavy; but, my C645 goes thru a lot of batteries.

Your advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.


Lately, I have been shooting a lot with the Custom Bracket, which does not support the MP-1 grip, but it works very well with my C645 + 45-90mm zoom combo. The Custom Bracket is cool especially it let you sit the camera down on the floor (or any flat surface). Best yet, if you mount it on the tripod, you just rotate the camera without re-postion the tripod when you switch V/H position.

You may check out the "Really Right Stuff" L bracket at http://www.reallyrightstuff.com/tutorials/L_plates/

I have also just purchased the Quantum T4D with the Turbo compact battery, plus the FreeWire tranceivers. I can now, in theory, shoot wireless QTTL with the Freewire tranmitter mounted on the Custom Bracket.

The Quantum is right on the dot with the wired TTL cable (D24). I will try out the wireless QTTL this summer.
