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Flash and ND


Well-Known Member
Michael, the "Father's Day" shot was using raw flash on straight TTL. So there is a little evidence of flash being used due to the harshness of direct light. However, I almost never use a flash that way. I always have a diffuser on it. A Stofen at the very least or a Lumi-Quest soft shell. Look in my Contax portfolio... all the wedding work is diffused fill balanced with the ambient background.

Also, look at the shot of "Susan" in front of the ocean that I just uploaded today...that was fill from a TVSD camera with built in flash ! (set at -1 flash compensation). It can be done with these Contax cameras.
>Marc, The only real evidence I see of a flash in your "Father's Day" image is on the metal parts of the shot (i.e sign on the right side of the photo). You can see the hot spots from the flash. But, as I said, it is a very good shot and I don't think that flash evidence is very apparant. I absolutely agree that fill can work very well with the ND or the N1. My point was that it is dificult to do a fill shot in the shade when the background is mixed (sun and shade). But not impossible. I just missed the shot.

Has anyone used Metz 45CL4 with ND? Can this pair do TTL with the Metz SCA300A cable and SCA382 hotshoe?

Thanks for any reply.
I leased a Nikon D70 and wrote a review of it on my site at http://wwww.outbackcoyote.com Included are some direct comparison shots with the ND, the Contax 645 and the G2. The review is pretty thorough and shows a very severe problem the D70 has in regards to the CCCD.


Thanks for that Michael. The review of the D70 was very interesting. Although the pictures looked good, I think that the dust problem is a killer. I had wondered for this reason partly, if the built in lens "bridge" cameras might not be a better idea but the reviews I have read of the latest crop do not inspire me towards them.


Thanks for your comment. The reviews are alot of work (and expense!). I will also say that after using the ND for 2 years I had to send it to the factory to have the CCCD cleaned (along w/ a metering problem fixed.) If I were to again purchase ANY CCCD digital, I would only buy one w/ a permanently mounted lens. But ... please note that my ND problem was no where as severe as the D70 problem.

Just type the URL manually in the address bar and it'll work. At least for me it worked

Cheers M;los

>The link seems to have one to many w's. The link for the D70 review is >http://www.outbackcoyote.com/ and includes some comparison shots w/ the >Contax ND, 645 and G2! Please let me know what you think of the review >since you already own the D70!

