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BEATTIE screens for RTS2 any good


Well-Known Member
Hi All,
Anyone have experience of using the Beattie replacement screens for the RTS2? are they a little better, or much better? any comments for good or bad much welcomed..thanks Steve.
> Hi Steve, I've used a Beattie Intenscreen in my RTS3 and found that it was useful for small aperture telephoto shots (100-300mm f4.5-5.6), and also macro. It is about 1 stop brighter. However it makes it difficult to focus wide angle lenses accurately, as there is no split prism, just a matte screen. Eventually I took it out and replaced the original screen as I found the disadvantages outweighed the advantages. Perhaps if you do mostly telephoto or macro work it would be worth it, but for most purposes I find the original screen better. Of course is they do a plit prism model for the RTS2 (matte only for RTS3) then that may be worth the change.

Cheers, Matt
I had Brightscreens on my RTS IIs & IIIs and they were very noticeably brighter. Can't say the same for my EOS 1DsII's Brightscreen compared to the Canon split screen.
Hey DJ, long time no see.

Finally landed that 35/1.4 as well as picking up a West Germany 180/2.8 .... AND just today I had a 70-210/3.5 sent to me to test this weekend. It's a legendary lens with fabulous optics. Fairly rare I think. As is the 85/1.2 that my dealer has a line on for me. Don't know if I can afford it however.
Hi Marc!

I see the Z vaccine didn't work too well on you - that disease is still in full force
. My current roundup is: 25/2.8, 28/2.8, 35/1.4, 85/1.4, 135/2.8, 180/2.8, and 35-70/3.4. The 85 and 180 I got as demos from B&H, in excellent condition although the 180 has a few small nicks on the hood, otherwise A-OK. The 28 I got on eBay in like-new condition & great price, and the rest all new at excellent prices.

I just need to add a super-wide, either the 18 or 21, but the 21 is just too much at around 4K, if you find one, and the 18 is even more non-extant, if a more reasonable alternative. I'm still smarting from screwing up that bid for an 18 in eBay, but maybe I should take it as a sign that I shouldn't have gotten that lens

I am seriously contemplating the Leica 21-35 - it's in my B&H cart and on the 30th I'm clicking Checkout, unless something happens to dissuade me in the meantime ... I think you used to have one? Other than the slow speed, did you find anything in the performance particularly lacking?
Hi DJ,

regarding the Leica 21-35. I would recommend to look at it first in person at a shop. A friend of mine had it in his hands at a Leica tour in Solms and he was not impressed from the handling and workmanshift. Optically he could not judge - he did not make pictures with it. But he is using a Leica 35/2.0 and a 90mmm and he said that there is a significant difference in the "feeling" (material, focussing, weight etc.) while using it.

He liked i.e. the Zeiss N17-35 a lot better from this point of view

Since Leica is usually extraordinary good especially in those criterias, he was kind of disappointed...
Paul, many thanks, but I missed this unfortunately - bidding is over while I slept
. I think the Lens Gods don't want me to get this lens ...

Dirk, thank you for the heads-up. I will definitely keep that in mind. B&H has a return policy so I may try it out, but I'll be looking for more feedback.