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Lens contrast color fidelity and resolution



I'm very seriously considering a G2, but before purchasing, the quality of the lenses are my biggest concern. For those of you who have used Nikon, and Leitz optics, how do they compare in terms of contrast, color fidelity and resolution?

Also, how does the G2 body hold up over time?

Any input would be welcome.
> My G2 required a 250.00 dollar repair bill after 3 years and about 4000 shots. It stayed in a case in behind me underneath my rear truck > seat with outside temperatures ranging from 18 degrees (F) to 112 degrees during hot Texas summers. I have no complaints. The optics are > remarkable ... great contrast and very, very sharp.


Take the following comments from a rank amateur. A lot of the guys on this list can punch a hole in a cereal box and take outstanding photos.

I just got back into photography earlier this year. I've been taking classes...primary because I am the worst photgrapher on the planet...

I bought a G2. I put Fuji Reala film in it, and went out and took some pictures.

Technically, I've still got a lot to learn about "photography"..but the G2 takes such incredibly sharp pictures it looks like I'm a lot better photographer than I am.

My other cameras are Nikon and Canon. The difference is absolutely incredible. The colors will absolutely blow you away..

I also bought the Contax N1...but found that I'm using the G2 a lot more.

Jeff in Colorado
> Posted by David Wamback on Monday, October 14, 2002 - 9:03 pm: > > I'm very seriously considering a G2, but before purchasing, the > quality of the lenses are my biggest concern. For those of you who > have used Nikon, and Leitz optics, how do they compare in terms of > contrast, color fidelity and resolution?

Well Zeiss optics beat the pants of Nikon any day of the week and twice on sundays. LEitz/Leica is still a superior beast, pin sharp beautiful colours etc, but this is also true of Zeiss glass.

The Contax system is definitely worth every penny next to a Leica M6 or M7 system when you compare bang for buck. You can by a G2 with 3 lenses (21, 35 90) + the tla 200 flash for about 1700GBP. Leica has it benefits in terms of focusing in the eye, but the contax is faster to work (in built motor drive, auto film winding, TTL metering etc etc) with and the shifting contax rangefinder (giving you the exact frame size for each lens) it is a winnner. Ever tried shooting with a 90mm or 135mm on a Leica M6? You can barely see the subject you are trying to focus on! > > Also, how does the G2 body hold up over time?

I have shot on assignment with my G2 all over the world in the 4 years I have had it. It is out with me when I take the the kids to school in the morning, every weekend and every working day and it just has a few scuff marks on it from the metal strap holders on the top corners and where the back wacks against my belt buckle from time to time. Built to last and feels like it too. A thing of beauty which takes cracking pics....

Go shopping...

Andy >
Your comment is interesting. I was trying to get my wife into photography and took a class with her as well as bought her a Contax G2 like mine. You are correct that an unskilled person can take a very good photograph in a very short length of time with the G2. I have been using professional lens and cameras from Minolta for years and the Contax G2 and lens just blows me away with its simplicity to operate and the quality of the photos. I will continue to use the SLR Minolta but can safely say that I will be using the Contax wherever possible.
Just to add to the irresistable part of a G2, there are a couple of them available on Ebay, either with just the G2 and the 45mm lens or with the 3 lens system. Some Excellent prices.

I JUST missed a Contax G2 leather case at a shop in Minnesota for $129...


Jeff in Colorado
I have, what appears to be an unused Contax G1 or G2 Leather Case for sale or trade if you are interested. In the orginal Contax box and plastic bag with all bag inserts. I bought this, then later bought the larger G bag. Let me know at harbert.lee@siemens.com if interested.
Hey Dave,

Be very careful about starting a bad habit. Zeiss to optics is like Porsche to cars. Don't test drive them unless you're ready to spend joyously. The G-lens rank shoulder-to-shoulder with Leitz optics w/o the ultra limited production and outrageous prices. They have different signatures, I think. Zeiss's color is richer and warmer while Leica is more contrasty and accurate (less saturated). If you're a audiophile, it would translate: Zeiss is more musical while Leica is more defined and accurate. Leitz is also known to perform better at wider apertures. This has always been a must since the M6's max shutter speed hasn't changed much over the years.

Just start out with a G1/G2 and the cheapest but sharpest G-lens (Planar 45mm/f2.0) and a roll of Reala or Velvia.

Remember... we warned you!!! :)


I'd be most interested in your opinions about the N1. Are you as wowed by the prints from the N1 as you are by those from your G2 system?

Thanks for any comments.

Equally impressed with the N1. Picture quality is the same..HOWEVER.. the N1 is huge and weighs a ton.
I have the 70-300 lens and it's just big and slow, so the pictures aren't as easy as just snapping one off on the G2. I would imagine that the 50mm or the shorter zoom lens on the N1 would make the camera a lot handier to use.

Autofocus on the N1 "seems" (and I'm no expert) slower than my other cameras, and the 5 zone autofocus can be a bit of a hassle until you get used to it...but again, I'm just not as comfortable with the N1 yet.

Still, pictures are razor sharp, and identical to the G2 quality wise.